• magical haul

    Magical Haul: Literary Witches and the Book of Shadows Tarot

    Hello my lovely star flowers, I am really excited today because I got a wonderful, magical care package in the mail. I ordered Literary Witches: A Celebration of Women Writers, along with the Book of Shadows Tarot. Honestly, I stumbled upon Literary Witches while browsing Amazon, but the Book of Shadows Tarot had been on my wishlist for quite sometime. Literary Witches intrigued me because the art is lovely (looking forward to the oracle deck coming this August) and I get the opportunity to read into some amazing women writers from history. In fact, as I was reading the forward by Pam Grossman, I couldn’t help but feel incredibly inspired.…

  • pick a card

    New Moon in Cancer – Pick A Card Reading

    Hello my lovely star flowers, I’ve been wanting to post another pick a card reading for awhile. Even if I have some more lengthy ones lined up, I decided to do something on a whim. The new moon in Cancer had me feeling all sorts of things and I had an itch to channel some inspiration. The purpose of this reading is to channel and share that inspiration your way. Take a deep breath and choose one of the cards, two, even all three. Whatever feels right for you at this very moment. It is okay. This is a general message, if it doesn’t resonate that’s okay, too. Trust yourself.…