tarot challenges

Manifest January Tarot Challenge IG @lionharts – Day 3

Hello my lovely star flowers,

Today has been a rather emotional day but here, without further ado, the next day of the challenge.

Day 3
My 2020 manifesto: I will manifest my dreams into reality.

This year I will… 10 of Wands let go of all that is weighing me down. For as long as I can remember I felt I had to carry it all because I didn’t deserve to let go of the baggage. In order to live a fulfilling life, I cannot continue to carry the burdens of my past. The road ahead requires less of a load in order to get to where I want to be and I must come to terms with it to move forward.

Honestly, when I pulled out this card I kind of groaned and moaned. It is a message that has been repeatedly popping up for awhile. I won’t lie, sometimes I feel I will never learn from the lesson and finally move on without the burdens I’ve chosen to carry.

For as long as I remember, I’ve been choosing to carry more and more until my back gives out on me. I am feeling a bit of a melancholic vibe from it all. Right now, I am finding it hard to move away from what I’m so used to, but I know that I can and will.

Rome wasn’t built in a day and I certainly don’t have to drop everything in one day, either. Some people can do so without much hesitation, but we all have our own way of dealing with our situations.

Instead of focusing on what I didn’t do in the past, I will focus on what I can do for myself right now, in the present. Writing my feelings out before bed has been a real help these days. I do want to write more than one entry, in order to catch up, but I will do what I feel I can do at the moment.

My heart feels heavy today, but tomorrow I am looking forward to new, lively experiences. It doesn’t have to be a lonely walk, if you don’t want it to be. Being able to express myself in my writing is absolutely liberating.

This feeling gives me much hope for 2020 because I am slowly falling into a routine to share my words, my feelings with others, not just in person to those close to me, but also to whoever wants to read my entries, my blogs, my social media.

It is okay to ask for help.

It is okay to feel troubled by the past.

It isn’t okay to self-sabotage because of the burdens of the past. Our backs can only take so much, physically and metaphysically as well.

I will smile as I look at the moon, finish this entry and breathe in all the new opportunities coming my way, your way.

We’ve got this, fam.

Love and light,

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