• tarot storytelling

    1-Minute Tarot Storytelling – Magician

    “Take it,” the Magician smiles handing the selected tool of manifestation to the Fool. “I’ve taught you how to materialize your deepest desires. Now, show me how it’s done.” ________________________ Here’s a mini tarot storytelling sesh for daily inspiration. Keep creating, keep manifesting, keep shining.  Xoxo, Empress

  • empath journey

    Empath Journey: Entry 001

    Hello, there, my star flowers, I just wanted to make sure I wrote this before I forget. It is so interesting that I just took in a familiar scent of incense, yet, I haven’t burned incense in quite some time in the apartment. I was listening to some music on Spotify, some new tunes I’ve come across, and it was strong. Oddly enough, just moments prior, I had the strong smell of food on me since I was at the main house taking care of some errands and my cousin was making himself something to eat.  Honestly, I haven’t been putting much attention to my spiritual journey because life has…

  • empath journey

    Empath Journey: Entry 000

    Hello, my star flowers! I’ve thought long and hard about what to do with this blog. My last one, before I accidentally deleted it (please don’t ask sobs), was full of tarot storytelling. I still really do enjoy telling stories using my tarot cards, but I also want to make this blog more personal. I want to write about my mundane moments as well as my magical ones. I love sharing with you guys not just through the good times but the difficult ones as well. It has been a long time since I’ve kept a public blog about my day to day activities since my mom passed away. Most…