Empress Arcana Readings

Empress Rules #12: Keep a journal to chronicle your adventures

Good Morning good evening to all!

Yes, I’m making this up as I go along(the rules I mean but there will be many ;)). I did promise to update often, whether they be insignificant posts or not. Personally, the topic of journaling in general is very important and essential.

How many of you keep a journal virtually or non-virtually? I do a little of both. A journal is a magnificent tool to keep your daily activities in check. I have notebooks upon notebooks at home filled with all sorts of research notes, stories, poems, and all other sorts of creative mumbo jumbo.

Don’t let ANYONE make you believe keeping a journal is unnecessary! For writers it is a quintessential tool to improvement. :) Now, enough of me preaching. As important as it is to keep a regular journal, many Tarot enthusiasts encourage it as well for Tarot. I’ve lost count of how many notebooks I’ve filled with past readings and research notes. The beauty of it all is when we can look back to a specific reading and understand it better than when we first read it!

I was looking through my Tarot community on livejournal and I stumbled upon an old reading of mine.

I look at the cards and I can still see the effect they are having on me, right now. It is simply astonishing! The Tower’s position was telling me of an inevitable change in my life… Now, this reading was done back in 2009, which was the year everything turned topsy-turvy for me. Another card that stands out for me is the Chariot reversed, because in 2009 I was still struggling with transportation. Looking back at a past reading is a beautiful thing that may relive moments of anguish in which one may now understand… OR they could be memories of a revelation from the past, but even clearer now.

The fact I can look at the reading and STILL learn from it just goes to show how much of an impact it has had on my life. The sequence of events in which followed were quite strong but I’ve become a better person from it all.

Now, for those who have never thought of keeping a personal journal to chronicle their own adventures… Why not consider it? No one has to know of it. There are many forms of journaling. The best kind of journaling varies through personal preference. I’ve met many people that are very much old school and enjoy keeping their physical journals hidden from the world. On the other hand, many also enjoy keeping virtual journals for others to see.

Here is a list of different formats that you may consider for journaling(which I have used in the past):

  • A notebook/ journal you can actually write on.
  • Programs such as Word, or even OneNote to organize in easy to create files and folders. (My personal favorite is OneNote, because you have the option of sharing it or not. You have many creative options on OneNote. :)
  • Blogging sites where you can share your writings: Livejournal, WordPress, et cetera
  • Special Apps for whichever smart phone you’re using. I actually juggle between Write 2 and AwesomeNote on the iPhone, because I’m an absolute nerd. (I need to have a writing medium no matter what!)

There are so many other options, I’m just naming a few. 😀 Sadly, when it comes to writing notes down electronically you run the risk of data becoming corrupted or losing the file. In that case, ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR SH*T. GOT IT? I have lost way too many important files because I don’t back up my stuff in more than one location. For example, I used to have an expansion drive where I would keep ALL MY STORIES… But I never backed it up anywhere else… Let’s just say if it wasn’t for a friend that had the old copy of my novel… I would not have my Arcana Chronicles.

Well, I have to wrap it up since I have class in a few. 😉 If anyone would like to share of other mediums for journaling please share it below. I’m always up for new methods and ideas!

Also, I have a couple of videos and audios in the works so make sure to check that out when the time comes. If there is anything in particular you would like me to blog about, leave me a comment as well.

Until next time my darlings~
Lucy a.k.a Empress Arcana

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Spiritual Anarchist